Use of force is the biggest exposure law enforcement professionals face in today’s world. The demand for nationwide police accountability and reform is at the forefront of every news cast; politicians find themselves jockeying for position based on their stance on police reform and accountability. Organizations are being held accountable and the outcomes are alarming.
Take a pro-active approach; arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to be the tip of the spear on use of force training and review. It is vital that you as a police officer understand and implement the current standards (practices) for using force. You also must know how your force will be micro-analyzed and the importance of how you report your force.
Course Highlights:
Impact of the newly enacted laws in Washington State
Current and Emerging Use of Force Standards, including the recent legislation
Force Reporting
Recognition Primed Decision Making
Understanding a Critical Analysis of Force
The ever-increasing demand for police accountability is impacting liability costs significantly. We have better tactics, tools, and techniques then ever. However, how we write reports unfortunately has not kept the same pace. The lack of report writing skills is costly to everyone in our profession. In some instances, poorly written reports have led prosecutors to not filing charges for arrests. False arrest claims are significant. Poorly written force reports create unnecessary lawsuits and stress for officers. Through this interactive workshop, you will receive step-by-step guidance on a clear process outlining techniques that you can follow writing constructive reports that explain why you used force. You will leave this course with a roadmap for a comprehensive force report.
Course Highlights:
The ten essentials of force reporting
Workflow methods for efficient and effective writing
Tips on what to include and what to avoid
Practical exercises to reinforce these skills
PO Box 117, Cle Elum, WA 98922